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Scorpion Scorpion

Sharpest Tool Podcast Recap: Maximizing Social Media Engagement

Title of podcast over an image of a drawing of a home
Social Media
Casey Shull

In this episode of the Sharpest Tool, available here, host Josh Smith and the VP of Marketing for Scorpion’s Home Services division invites Nicholas Bosco to discuss the importance of social media engagement.

As the senior director of account management, Bosco has accumulated years of experience working with clients on their social media channels. He boils down what clients need in terms of social media engagement to a single word: Consistency.

Whereas many companies view social media engagement as only important in the early stages of a business, Bosco insists upon consistent customer contact through all stages of a company’s life cycle. Social media channels like Facebook and Instagram are ripe for awareness-generation campaigns that keep customers engaged with your brand. Although someone might not be in the mood to buy from you today, three months of daily brand visibility can be enough to drum up a sale.

Scheduling is one of the primary strategies for maintaining consistent social media engagement. Companies can use various social media tools to plan their social media campaigns months in advance. Working with an established company like Scorpion that has proven experience in the home services industry can help a business improve their social media campaigns by integrating visually compelling content and using posts thematically primed for a home services audience.

“The ultimate goal in social media marketing,” Bosco says, “is to create a loyal audience base who are connected and invested in your home services business.” It won’t happen right away, but even people who often don’t purchase services will take an interest in a company's day-to-day posts if they are consistent with them, keeping the business top of mind among audiences. Offering entertainment is its own kind of value, and even people who don’t need your services today can refer your company to someone else who does.

Join us in our next Sharpest Tool episode, where Josh covers the importance of lead generation through social media.